Looking for an alternative to
iSpring Learn?

Use TalentLMS to start easily, create quickly, and deliver your training on a platform that respects your investment.

ispring comparison table

Average payback period in 6 months or less
Source: G2 Corporate LMS Spring Report 2024


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70,000+ teams choose TalentLMS


Here’s why:

With all the advanced tools at an affordable price, going with TalentLMS is the smartest move. Deliver your training on an easy-to-use, reliable platform, that our team of experts will help you get the hang of.

Straight from our customers

We needed a platform that was ready for deployment, rather than building something from scratch. Within a week, we had TalentLMS up and running and developed about 10 courses. That helped our teams respond to the sudden changes in the market.Corin Birchall|roland-logo

Because we have a fairly large dealership network we needed to have a system that was able to incorporate a large number of users. And it had to be cost-effective, too.Andrew Greene|isuzu-ute-logo

With TalentLMS training, our partners can provide more effective and faster servicecustomers are happy, and downtime is reduced to almost nothing.Ladislav Vigh|formlabs-logo

No content? No problem. This is TalentLibrary™

Recover your time from course creation and save on subject matter experts. Tack TalentLibrary onto your TalentLMS subscription and train your teams to succeed with a growing collection of hard and soft skills courses.

Train your people. Measure results. Drive growth.

TalentLMS gives you the tools to supercharge every step of your training.