We’re introducing new prices on July 1, 2024 — Time to secure current pricing here.

Don’t settle for less than #1 Sign up now. Set up your account quickly. Deliver professional training right away.

It’s easy for instructors to use and to create courses. It’s easy for me as an administrator to control and manage what instructors can do, what they can see, what their abilities are and what options they have. And finally, it’s easy for learners.

Lucas Weber, Product Manager @ Nosto

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Why real users rate TalentLMS #1

Cardless until you say so

Stick to our free plan for as long as you like. Enjoy the majority of TalentLMS’s features, and increase your user limit when you’re ready for the next step.

Choose your training.

Course creation in a snap

Reuse your presentations and videos or choose from a wide range of online material with our social integrations. Make stunning courses with minimal effort.

Feature-rich LMS

Building blocks like Branches and Single Sign-On (SSO) that fit your extended learning enterprise. A secured and encrypted channel for all data communication.

Always available on the cloud

No need to install, upgrade or back up anything. TalentLMS is a cloud-powered training platform. Create online training without worrying about hosting.

Suited to your needs

Your own custom domain, logo, and theme. Create an environment that is entirely your choice. Fully customize your portal to match your brand.

Reports that make sense

Simple and comprehensible analytics that show everything that happens inside your eLearning environment.

70,000+ teams
find training success with TalentLMS


Bring your courses to life. Take a tour and see all the features you need to customize your training. Create something unique for your learners’ needs.

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Start for free. Upgrade according to your needs. No hidden or implementation fees.

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Gamification, reporting, assessments, white labeling. These are only a few of the features you can use in your training. See the full list of features you can use to customize your training.

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No content? No problem. This is TalentLibraryTM

Discover a growing collection of ready-made training courses delivered through TalentLMS, and gear up your people for success at work.

Explore TalentLibraryTM


Train your people. Measure results. Drive growth.

TalentLMS gives you the tools to supercharge every step of your training.