Introduction to Word – Basic Navigation


No. of mini-lessons9

ResourcesPractice Files

Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 9

Resources Practice Files

Course overview

Word is a tool that we’ve likely all had to use at some point in our working lives. You might assume it’s easy enough to use a word processing program, and you’re right: its neat design makes it simple to navigate. 

But Word has much more to it than simply being a place to type up documents. There are many features that will make your employees’ life easier, too, and these bite-sized courses have been developed to explain these features to them. Each subject is covered in an individual mini-video, to make it just as easy to navigate as it is to use Word itself.

What's covered

How to create a new document, including an introduction to the screen layout, focusing on toolbars and zoom

Opening recent documents and saving documents after editing

Using margins, rulers, and tab stops to good effect

The basics of printing, including how to use page setup

How headers, footers, and page numbers work

Why your teams need this course

From experts to amateurs, everyone who works in an office is likely to have to use Word at some point, and this course will help them use it to great advantage. Please note that most modern versions of the Microsoft Word application use the same interface, but some may have cosmetic differences. To get the most from this course, learners should have existing software licenses and a full version of Microsoft Word.

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