Sometimes things just don’t work out. It’s not you, it’s the platform. 

The 5 red flags telling you it’s time to ditch and switch to a better, more powerful LMS. 

You’re putting in too much effort

Your training platform should save you time and not create additional tasks in an already hectic workday. If it won’t let you put repetitive tasks on autopilot or make better data-driven decisions, it’s time to wave goodbye.

Sales training

It takes more than it gives

Training has to be a competitive advantage, not just another credit card subscription. If you find out that your LMS doesn’t offer a flexible pricing model that suits your budget, you need to start looking for an alternative. 

Blended learning

It just doesn’t make sense

All the features in the world won’t matter if you can’t figure out the platform. If things are way too complicated, you need an easy-to-use LMS with a support team and knowledge base you can rely on, every step of the way. 

Content friendly

Even your learners have checked out

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how engaging the tool is for your learners. If they aren’t logging in to complete training, an LMS that they’ll instinctively know how to use and enjoy signing in to is the glaring solution.

You can’t see progress

To spot development (improved productivity, product expertise, etc.) you need to be able to measure success. If your current platform doesn’t give you access to detailed performance reports and evaluation metrics you’re better off apart.

TalentLMS isn’t just your type on paper, it’s the platform that ticks all your training boxes

If you’re on the lookout for a feature-rich training platform, TalentLMS is the solution. Go with the best LMS that admins and instructors will instantly know how to use, and learners will be able to access from any device. Get started for free (no credit card needed), test the platform, and move your training to TalentLMS when you’re ready. Trusted by 70,000+ teams worldwide.

No credit card required.

Do your research:
The top LMS comparison matrix

Based on G2’s momentum grid scoring for corporate LMS

The verdict is in, and TalentLMS outranks the most popular learning management systems on the market right now. In 2023, users named it a leader in satisfaction, while the major comparison website, G2, placed it at the top of the momentum leaders list.

So, why would you settle for less? Save market research time and forget about all those LMS pricing comparison lists. Create your TalentLMS free account, check our adaptable pricing model, and see for yourself why users think the world of us.

70,000+ teams
find training success with TalentLMS

We needed a platform that was ready for deployment, rather than building something from scratch. Within a week, we had TalentLMS up and running and developed about 10 courses. That helped our teams respond to the sudden changes in the market.CORIN BIRCHALL|Roland

The beauty of TalentLMS is that we just need to invite new users. And without even telling them how to use it, they log in and immediately know what to do and how to do it. We train 1800 people in the blink of an eye. It’s awesome!LADISLAV VIGH|formlabs-logo-talentlms

Before TalentLMS, we would send an email and hope everyone figures it out. Now we can ensure every person has taken the training. It’s as simple as that.LUCAS WEBER|nosto@2x

Train your people. Measure results. Drive growth.

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