Email template: Invitation to mandatory training
Instructional Design

Email template: Invitation to mandatory training

, Former Content Marketing Manager

Organizing a mandatory training session comes with a unique challenge: How do you spark learners’ interest? A training announcement email can help. Besides the necessary info, you can talk about why this training is essential, what it entails, and how employees will grow their skills and knowledge. But you don’t have to start from a blank page. You can use a training announcement email template.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to write a mandatory training announcement email that you can customize as needed. Add any details you want, and re-use your template for different training sessions.

What we’ll cover:

  1. What to include in a mandatory training announcement email
  2. How to use your training announcement template
  3. Download your mandatory training invitation email template
  4. How to customize your mandatory training announcement email

What to include in a mandatory training announcement email

When you’re sending out a mandatory training invitation email, keep in mind the four “Ws”: Who, Why, What, and When.

1. “Who”

Who should the email come from and who should get it? Usually, one will determine the other.

For example, if you’re delivering a mandatory training announcement to all employees, the training invitation email would probably be sent by your HR manager. Or, for example, your Operations manager could invite employees to company-wide compliance training.

The training invitation email could even come from your CEO or company owner if the topic is particularly important or new (GDPR, would be a good example of this). Delivered by these high-profile figures, the message has added weight and creates a universal call to action.

If the training is designed for a smaller, select group — new hires, for example — it could be better coming from the hiring manager or L&D lead. Sent by them, the message has credibility and importance, but will feel less daunting, more personal, and more of a natural “next step in the process”.

2. “Why”

The reason for sending out a training announcement email may seem obvious. And, yes, the primary function is to invite employees to bookmark and schedule the mandatory training session. But there are other messages you can deliver at the same time.

Mandatory training can often feel like a chore, so this email offers the chance to engage employees by explaining the purpose of the training and the difference it will make on an individual and company level.

In some instances, there may be legal requirements for delivering your mandatory training. If this is the case, this email presents the opportunity to explain this and share all the necessary information.

3. “What”

Now comes the meaty section, which covers all of the essential information. What this is will depend on the course itself. But for most standard or regular compliance training courses, the following practical information should be enough. For example:

  • name of the course
  • relevant deadlines
  • details on how training will be delivered — in-person or online, for example
  • basic instructions on how to access and complete the course (this information is particularly relevant if the course is new or directed towards new hires)
  • if any preparation is required

The main goal of this training announcement email is to give recipients all the information they need and to minimize follow-up questions. So, make sure you make it as comprehensive as possible.

4. “When”

Make sure you send this email in advance so that employees can schedule the time they’ll need to complete the course within internal and external deadlines. Don’t send your email out too early, though. If you do it’s likely to get dismissed and forgotten.

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How to use your training announcement template

You can use this training invitation email sample as a checklist: this way, you’ll make sure to cover everything when you want to invite employees to a mandatory training session. Start with the basic information and, then, customize as needed by adding more details.

Also, check the tone of your mandatory training memo. This will vary depending on your company culture or the “voice’’ of whoever is sending it. But you also need to consider that this training is mandatory and this is a message that needs to be clear and assertively delivered. This requirement may seem to define the tone, but there are ways of making this point without sounding overly strict or formal.

For example:

✘ Don’t say ✔ Do say
This training is mandatory for everyone. It’s essential that we all complete this training.
The purpose of this training is to make sure everyone complies with regulations/legislation/policies. By completing this training, you can help create a fair/safe/ethical/secure environment for us all.
It’s imperative that everyone understands how to [XYZ]. This training will help us all [XYZ].
All participants must complete this course by [XYZ]. To meet our deadlines, please complete this course by [XYZ].


This email also offers a great opportunity to boost your brand identity. The language you use and the details you add should reflect your company culture. For example, you’ll probably opt for a casual tone if your culture is relatively relaxed, whereas you might prefer more formal language if that fits better. You can also talk about broader L&D initiatives with the occasion of this training announcement email.

While you prepare your email, make sure to double-check whether all information is relevant. You don’t want to overwhelm employees, so feel free to delete information that’s not useful to a particular course. Note that if you want to inform employees about non-mandatory courses, you can use this training announcement template.

Looking for more training email templates? Download our free customizable samples:

Training Announcement Email Template

Download your mandatory training invitation email template

The following mandatory training announcement email template is free to download, edit, and personalize as needed. There are three options that account for the different types of training delivery: in-person training, live virtual training, and online asynchronous training.

Example 1: In-person training

Email subject line: Training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

We’re hosting a [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend. Please save the date in your calendar. The training will take place [location].

The goal of this training is to [XYZ]. After completing the course, you’ll have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

It’s essential that we all complete this training. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

If you have any special requirements or adjustments please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

I look forward to seeing you there.

[name] [email signature]

Example 2: Live virtual training

Email subject line: Training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

We’re hosting a [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend. Please save the date in your calendar.

The training will take place virtually. An email with joining details (link and password) will be sent nearer the time.

The aim of this training is to [XYZ]. And by the end of the course, you’ll have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

It’s essential that we all complete this training. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

[name] [email signature]

Example 3: Online asynchronous training

Email subject line: Training invitation: [Name of training course]

Dear [employee name],

You’re invited to complete a [name/topic of course] course. This is an online course and will take approximately [duration] to complete.

The aim of this training is to [XYZ]. And by the end of the course, you’ll have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

To access the training please go to [link/website] and enter the following details:

  • Username: [username]
  • Password: [password]

To help meet our deadlines, please complete this course by [date].

It’s essential that we all complete this training. By doing so, you can help create and maintain a [fair/safe/ethical/compliant/secure] environment for us all.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to [XYZ].

[name] [email signature]

Download our training announcement email template.
Fill in the details and reach out to your learners in just a few clicks.
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How to customize your mandatory training announcement email

Now that you have the basic template in hand, it’s time to customize it. Based on your company culture and the type of training you’re delivering, you can add as much or as little detail as you want.

To help you out and inspire you, here are a few examples. These illustrate two different types of mandatory training: an all-employee training course and a training course just for new hires.

Mandatory training announcement email sample: All employees

Email subject line: Training invitation: Cybersecurity Awareness

Dear Ben,

You’re invited to complete a Cybersecurity Awareness course.

This is an online course and will take approximately two hours to complete.

The goal of this training is to protect us all against potentially harmful cyber attacks. The course will empower you to quickly identify security threats, how they might present themselves, and what procedures to follow.

To complete this course:

  • Go to
  • Log in using your email and password
  • Click on “My Courses” at the top of the screen, then choose “Cybersecurity Awareness”

To help meet our company compliance deadlines, please complete this course by Friday, September 17.

It’s essential that we all complete this training. By doing so, we can help maintain a secure and compliant environment for ourselves, our colleagues, our business, and our customers.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to protecting the personal and protected data of us all.

Kerry Jones
SVP Human Resources

Mandatory training announcement email sample: New hires

Email subject line: Training invitation: Grow your Product Knowledge. Save the date!

Hello Johan,

Welcome again to the company. We’re really happy to have you with us.

As part of your “First Month” training package, we’d like you to join us and other new members of the team for a “Grow your Product Knowledge” training course.

The training will take place in Studio 4 of the Design Building on Friday, September 17, from 9 am to 2 pm. Please save the date and details in your calendar.

Whether working in sales, marketing, customer service, or IT, familiarity with our product is at the heart of our individual, group, and commercial success. After completing the course you’ll be more familiar with our product’s:

  • design
  • functionality
  • distinctive features and benefits
  • customer base (who uses it, how, and why)

It’s essential that all new team members complete this training. By doing so, we can confidently support not only our customers but also the colleagues and partners we work with.

Thank you in advance for helping us achieve this.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Kerry Jones
Product Development Manager

Christina Pavlou - Former Content Marketing Manager

Christina, ex-Content Marketing Manager at Epignosis, focuses on L&D, diversity, and enhancing workplace well-being. Learn how to improve your work environment. More by Christina!

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