Email template: Announcement for upcoming training
Instructional Design

Email template: Announcement for upcoming training

, Former Content Marketing Manager

Email templates. They’re great. They save time, keep comms consistent, and prompt you to get all of the right details in place before you press “send.” If you work in HR or L&D, designing and arranging training courses will take up a big chunk of your time. Having a pre-prepared training announcement template, means you have one less thing to think about.

Here, we’ll give you everything you need to create a training invitation email that you can call up whenever you need it. Just pop in the relevant details and you’re good to go.

What we’ll cover:

  1. What to include in a training invitation email
  2. How to use your training announcement template
  3. Download your training invitation email template
  4. How to customize your training announcement email

What to include in a training invitation email

When you’re sending out a training invitation email it’s important to think about (and confirm) the four “Ws”: Who, Why, What, and When.

1. “Who”

Who should the email come from and who should get it?

In most cases, the sender will probably be your HR Manager or L&D lead, but it could come directly from team managers or the person doing the training session. Decide which is most appropriate. Depending on the training program, the email may be sent to the entire organization, one team or department, or specific individuals (e.g., new hires.)

2. “Why” 

Why does this email need to be sent?

The primary function of this training announcement template is to invite employees to bookmark and schedule the training session. But it’s also important to give your recipients a reason to engage. So, remember to explain the purpose of this training and what they’ll gain from it.

3. “What” 

What’s the essential information that should be included?

This will depend on the course itself. If it’s a standard or regular training course the following practical information should be enough. For example:

  • Name of the course
  • Any associated deadlines
  • Details on how it will be delivered (e.g., face-to-face or online)
  • Basic instructions on how to access and complete the course
  • If any preparation is required
  • Whether it’s mandatory or optional

If it’s a new course, you’ll want to add background information to give context and meaning to the training. For example, is there something timely that prompted the new training; new legislation, a change in approach, or a new customer or business development?

Remember, the main aim of this email is to give recipients all the information they need and to minimize follow-up questions. So, it needs to be to the point and contain all of the right information.

4. “When” 

When should this email be sent?

Timing is key. Make sure you give enough lead-in time and schedule the training session so that your learners can apply the knowledge straight away. Don’t send your email out too early, though. If you do, it’s likely to get dismissed and forgotten.

Need more training email templates? Download our free, customizable samples:

How to use your training announcement template

As well as including all of the relevant details about the course, your training invitation email to employees can be used to communicate other important messages, too.

It offers a great opportunity to reinforce brand identity, so remember to add in company details and to use consistent language. If your company culture is relatively relaxed, for example, use a tone that reflects this. If there’s a more formal ethos in place, make sure you reinforce that.

There’s also the chance to link up with and reinforce the messaging associated with wider internal communications campaigns or L&D initiatives.

Remember to double-check the content to make sure it’s relevant to your particular course. Delete anything that’s not relevant and add in anything that’s unique.

The good thing about having an email template in place is that you can quickly add the specific information you need and hit “send” without having to write your training invitation from scratch. If you’re using an LMS for training, you can save your template on the platform and send it to your learners every time you want to inform them about a new training session.

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Download your training invitation email template

To get you started, we’ve put together the bare bones of a training announcement email template, which you can download and personalize as needed.

The aim of this training invitation email sample is to act as a checklist, prompting you to make sure all of the essential information is covered. We recommend you tick all of the basic information off first by filling in the gaps. Once you’ve got all of the essential practical information in place, it’s time to customize it further by:

  • changing the tone depending on your company culture or the “voice’’ of whoever is sending it
  • adding in background information about the course if it’s new
  • including information about the person delivering the session, where relevant
  • linking the course into a wider L&D program or internal campaigns, if relevant
  • indicating if any preparation is required or if employees need to bring anything

The template we’ve created for you is designed around employee training. But it can be used to promote other types of training — courses aimed at external partners or customers, for example.

Example 1: In-person training

Email subject line: Training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

You’re invited to attend [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time]. Please save the date in your calendar.

Focusing on [main objective], after completing the [session/sessions] you’ll have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

The training will take place [location].

I do hope you can join us. Please respond to this email to book your seat by [date].

Thank you,

[name] [email signature]

Example 2: Online training

Email subject line: Training invitation: [Name of training course]. Save the date!

Dear [employee name],

You’re invited to attend [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time]. Please save the date in your calendar.

This course is a great chance to expand your knowledge on [topic of the course] and learn how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

The training will take place online. An email with joining details (link and password) will be sent nearer the time.

I do hope you can join us. Please respond to this email to book your seat by [date].

Thank you,

[name] [email signature]

Download our training announcement email template.
Fill in the details and reach out to your learners in just a few clicks.
Grab your copy

How to customize your training announcement email

So, you’ve got the basic template. And you’ve used it to check off all the essential information. Now it’s time to make it yours. How (and how much) you customize it is up to you and will be defined by your company culture and the type of training you’re running.

But to help you on your way, we’ve included a few examples below. These illustrate two different tones and approaches: one formal, the other informal.

Training Announcement Email Template: Training Invitation

Formal training announcement email example

Email subject line: Training invitation: Tax returns simplified. Save the date!

Dear Katie,

What does the recent government announcement about simplified tax reporting mean for you? To help you understand, you’re invited to attend the “Tax returns simplified” training course on Friday, September 24th from 2 pm to 4 pm. Please save the date in your calendar.

The 2-hour course will be delivered by our Accounting Team and will focus on the recent changes in legislation. By the end of the session, you will be better prepared to file your tax return ahead of its submission deadline next month.

To accommodate as many people as possible, the training will take place online. An email with joining details (link and password) will be sent nearer the time. Please reply to this email by 17th September to confirm attendance.

No formal preparation is required. But you’re encouraged to think ahead about any specific questions that you’d like our panel of experts to answer.

This one-off course has been designed specifically to help employees adjust to the recent changes and forms part of our “Financial Wellbeing” campaign. Find out more about this on our Employee Assistance Programme intranet page.

I do hope you can join us.

Thank you,

Drew Howard
Learning & Development Coordinator

Informal training announcement email example

Email subject line: Want to improve your business writing? Join us on 25th September

Hello Katie,

We’re hosting a “Business Writing” course and we’d love you to join us.

What day? Friday, September 24th

What time? 2 – 4 pm

Where? Conference Room B (behind the restaurant)

The 2-hour session will focus on the principles of good business writing and will cover instructional, informational, persuasive, and transactional writing. By the end of the session, you’ll know how to improve the effectiveness of your written communications — from documents, presentations, and reports to emails, memos, letters, and agendas. It’s super practical and designed to make a difference straight away.

This is an optional course, but a valuable one. The feedback we got from colleagues who took part in a similar training session earlier this year was extremely positive (95% of them agreed that it had increased their knowledge and skills). Which is why we’ve decided to run it again.

So, we’d love to see you there. But, if you can’t attend, it’s no problem. Please just let me know by September 17th.

If you are coming along, great! You don’t need to prepare or bring anything (notepads, pens, and those all-important brain-boosting refreshments will be provided). All you need to come with is yourself and an open and enquiring mind.

I do hope to see you there.


Drew Howard
Learning & Development Coordinator

Christina Pavlou - Former Content Marketing Manager

Christina, ex-Content Marketing Manager at Epignosis, focuses on L&D, diversity, and enhancing workplace well-being. Learn how to improve your work environment. More by Christina!

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